Northfield Elementary PTA has several sponsorship levels that allow businesses to invest in our school’s educational programs and activities that enrich the lives & education of our students. Our PTA directly supports community-building events, educational support in the classroom, student enrichment opportunities, staff support, hospitality, and extracurricular events.
Read moreWelcome to the Northfield Elementary School PTA! Through the support of our families, teachers, administrators, and community members, we are able to offer a variety of programs and activities to build a strong NES community and provide a fun and rewarding environment for our kids! If you're not a PTA member yet, be sure to JOIN TODAY!
PTA Announcements
If your children will eventually be Dunloggin Middle and/or Centennial High students you need to engage and be aware of what’s happening at the county level with these schools. If able, please come show support for DMS and CHS by attending one or both of the below meetings.
Monday, Jan. 27, 2025, 6–7:30 p.m.
Guilford Park High School Cafeteria 8500 Ridgelys Run Road, Jessup, MD
Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6–7:30 p.m.
Oakland Mills High School Cafeteria 9410 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia, MD
Additionally, there is a public hearing and opportunity to testify at the upcoming Board of Education meeting on 1/30 at 7p. The FY 26 proposed Operating (staffing) Budget will be discussed.
You get up to 3 minutes, no questions are asked. In-person is always best but virtually testimony is always an option. You must register by 1/29 at 4pm. The address of the BOE is 10910 Clarksville Pike (Rt 108) Ellicott City.
You can also submit written testimony at anytime by emailing your comments to
4 areas that have additional funding this year proposed by the superintendent.
1. Staff Retention
2. Staff Compensation
3. Special Education
4. Safety & Security (adding 1 unarmed security assistant to all MS & HS, in addition to the HS Resource Officers).
Linked below is the Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget.$file/1-9-2025%20Superintendent's%20Recommended%20FY2026%20Operating%20Budget.pdf
Sign Up Below to Testify:
Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by Sept 1, 2025? Please join an information session about Kindergarten in the Howard County Public School System.
At this session you will learn:
Expectations for school readiness (and receive a Ready for Kindergarten toolkit).
Details about the HCPSS kindergarten program, website and kindergarten registration process.
Ways that families and children can be supported during the transition to kindergarten.
Choose a session that is convenient for you. No registration is required.
Child care is available at each session for children age 2 and older; the session is designed for adults only.
Large crowd anticipated; please allow ample time for parking, childcare dropoff, and check in. Doors open at 6pm.
If HCPSS schools are closed for inclement weather, the session is canceled.
All sessions will being promptly at 6:30p.
Tues Jan 21, 2025 - Hammond High School*
8800 Guilford Road, Columbia, 21046
Thurs Jan 23, 2025- Centennial High School**
4300 Centennial Lane, Ellicott City, 21042
Tues Jan 28, 2025- Wilde Lake High School*
5460 Trumpeter Road, Columbia, 21044
Tues Feb 4, 2025- Hammond High School **
8800 Guilford Road, Columbia, 21046
Snow date will only be held if one of the above sessions is canceled.
* Spanish interpreter will be present at these site.
** Korean, Chinese and Spanish interpreter will be present at these site.
For more information, visit:
Please join us for a fun night of general music and children's literature trivia to help raise money for our wonderful band and orchestra programs at Northfield. Teams of up to five students with at least one parent chaperone/player will compete in three rounds of trivia with a winner selected after each round. Please note this is not a drop-off event.
Date: February 12, 2025
Time: 7pm (check-in begins at 6:45)
Location: Northfield Cafetorium
Teams must pre-register by February 10, 2025 at 10 pm. The cost to register is $5 per student player (no cost for adults).
Most importantly, 100% of the proceeds will be returned to our school and used to help pay for additional supplies, instrument repairs, and classroom improvements. We are so lucky to have Dr. Nebesh and Mr. Beall at our school, leading one of the largest programs in the county, and this fundraiser has a direct impact on many of our students.
If you cannot make it to trivia night, direct donations will also be accepted.
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Friday 2/21 - Doors Open 6:15p - Northfield Cafeteria
Registration deadline: 2/19/25
Please join us for a night of Bingo fun on Friday, 2/21, at the NES Cafeteria. Doors Open at 6:15pm. We will have games and fun prizes to delight all. Registration caps at 200 so register today! Cost is $5 per family. Registration closes on Wednesday, 2/19. We will need volunteers to help make this a successful event! When you register - please mark what you can help with and we'll be in touch with details!
We have compiled a list of teacher and staff favorites! Save and share this document for the holidays, Staff Appreciation Week, and the end of the school year.
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In order to accommodate our Taste of Northfield event, we will be moving our April Virtual PTA meeting to TUESDAY 4/8 at 7p. Google Meet code to come closer to meeting date.
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All HCPSS parents/guardians are invited to take part in a series of free, virtual workshops, held in partnership with Backpack Healthcare. Offered the fourth Thursday of every month from 6-7 p.m., these workshops will delve into the challenges of parenthood and offer techniques to help parents navigate those challenges. Click on link to see list of topics and registration details.
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Here is a list of all our auxiliary department appreciation days for the school year! If your family/student utilizes these department services, we highly encourage you to make sure you and your student say thank you on these nationally recognized days. Our NES staff make our school so wonderful and special. Thank you NES!
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NES Magnets are now available for sale! Approximately 3.5" in diameter, they are perfect for your car bumper or fridge. A PTA member will contact you for porch pickup.
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Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 27
- Tuesday, January 28
- Saturday, February 1
- Monday, January 27
- Tuesday, January 28
- Saturday, February 1
Monthly PTA Fridge Sheets
Every month, a fridge sheet is sent home with information about PTA news and events. You can also download and print them here!