Get Involved

Involvement with the PTA starts with Membership. If that is all your family can manage this year, we welcome the support! Next, if you want to dig in a little deeper, then volunteer! You can volunteer once, several times, or on a regular basis. Finally, you can chair an event or a series of events, which means you plan, develop, and execute an activity with a team of volunteers.

Open Executive Board and PTA Committee Positions

If interested, please contact 



  • Audit Team
    Meets this summer to review and audit NES PTA financial records.
  • Cultural Arts Chair
    Plans, books and coordinates student assemblies throughout the year. This role leads the direction of our children’s programming in school. Our current chair can paint a very clear picture of what this position entails and share lots of details of how to move forward.
  • PTACHC Delegate (PTA Council of Howard County)
    Attends the monthly PTACHC Meetings (a mix of virtual and in-person) and reports back to the NES PTA with updates. Our current delegate can paint a great picture of what this role entails.
  • CAC Representative (Community Advisory Council)
    Attends the monthly CAC Meetings (a mix of virtual and in-person) and reports back to the NES PTA with updates. Our current representative can paint a great picture of what this roles entails
  • Co-Lead for Hospitality Efforts
    Working with existing Hospitality leadership to plan B2SChool Breakfast, monthly ways to celebrate staff, and Teacher Appreciation Week (May)

If interested, please contact 


Upcoming Events