Welcome to the Northfield Elementary School PTA! Through the support of our families, teachers, administrators, and community members, we are able to offer a variety of programs and activities to build a strong NES community and provide a fun and rewarding environment for our kids! If you're not a PTA member yet, be sure to JOIN TODAY


PTA Announcements

We have compiled a list of teacher and staff favorites! Save and share this document for the holidays, Staff Appreciation Week, and the end of the school year.



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In order to accommodate our Taste of Northfield event, we will be moving our April Virtual PTA meeting to TUESDAY 4/8 at 7p. Google Meet code to come closer to meeting date.

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All HCPSS parents/guardians are invited to take part in a series of free, virtual workshops, held in partnership with Backpack Healthcare. Offered the fourth Thursday of every month from 6-7 p.m., these workshops will delve into the challenges of parenthood and offer techniques to help parents navigate those challenges. Click on link to see list of topics and registration details.


Registration: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAtfuCppzsjG9y8rz6--gJORglVjFLJgmi_#/registration

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Here is a list of all our auxiliary department appreciation days for the school year! If your family/student utilizes these department services, we highly encourage you to make sure you and your student say thank you on these nationally recognized days. Our NES staff make our school so wonderful and special. Thank you NES!


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NES Magnets are now available for sale! Approximately 3.5" in diameter, they are perfect for your car bumper or fridge.  A PTA member will contact you for porch pickup.

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Even though we are all on different walks of life, we are still in the same community. Every year, Howard County releases a guide of resources for parents. You can find it at this link: https://www.howardcountymd.gov/sites/default/files/2024-01/OCF.ParentsGuide1-29-24.pdf

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Howard County SECAC (Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee) is a parent-driven advisory council advocating for special education issues in the Howard County Public School System (HCPSS). The next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Northfield's SECAC Representative is Erika Lee. Please contact her at secac@northfieldpta.org with any questions.

Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Patuxent Valley Middle School
9151 Vollmerhausen Road
Savage, MD 20763


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We've got spirit yes we do, we've got spirit how 'bout YOU! The FIRST ONE is next Friday 9/13. Roadrunners should wear BLUE, YELLOW and/or any NES SPIRIT WEAR! Remember, the spirit wear shop is closing soon - don't forget to scoop something up! 


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 Girls On The Run starts 9/23 for 3rd, 4th, 5th graders! We will work our way up to running a 5k at the end of the season (12/7) and learn about female empowerment and positivity along the way! Practice will start 9/23-12/7 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15

Register Here!

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Need to get a staff member a gift and don't know where to start? Our staff have filled out a form of their favorite things, allergies, and classroom wishlists and it's all at your fingertips in a convenient spreadsheet. This spreadsheet will be updated with new entries, so check back to see your specific staff member responses. This is a great resource for all those appreciation days.

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Upcoming Events

Monthly PTA Fridge Sheets

Every month, a fridge sheet is sent home with information about PTA news and events. You can also download and print them here!

Thank you to our Community Sponsors

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.