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Dunloggin Middle and Centennial High Advocacy Needs Inbox

Please join us at one or both of the below meetings regarding HCPSS Capital Budget. As you know, Dunloggin MS has the worst conditions in the county looking at cumulative data. Dunloggin MS and Centennial HS are the worst 2 feeder schools in the county for School Conditions. Dunloggin MS is #1 school on the unfunded Deferred Maintenance List and Centennial HS is #2. Dunloggin MS has the preliminary vote for the FY26 Capital Budget but Centennial HS is penciled in for a 2036 renovation. Our community voices need to be heard. This meeting is to discuss which data points should be factored into the priority list for school renovation rankings.

Monday, Jan. 27, 2025, 6–7:30 p.m.
Guilford Park High School Cafeteria 8500 Ridgelys Run Road, Jessup, MD

Tuesday, Jan. 28, 6–7:30 p.m.
Oakland Mills High School Cafeteria 9410 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia, MD

Additionally, there is a public hearing and opportunity to testify at the upcoming Board of Education meeting on 1/30 at 7p. The FY 26 proposed Operating (staffing) Budget will be discussed.

You get up to 3 minutes, no questions are asked. In-person is always best but virtually testimony is always an option. You must register by 1/29 at 4pm. The address of the BOE is 10910 Clarksville Pike (Rt 108) Ellicott City.

You can also submit written testimony at anytime by emailing your comments to

4 areas that have additional funding this year proposed by the superintendent.

1. Staff Retention
2. Staff Compensation
3. Special Education
4. Safety & Security (adding 1 unarmed security assistant to all MS & HS, in addition to the HS Resource Officers).

Linked below is the Superintendent’s Proposed Operating Budget.$file/1-9-2025%20Superintendent's%20Recommended%20FY2026%20Operating%20Budget.pdf
Sign Up Below to Testify:

NES PTA Admin on 1/20/2025 9:37 am